Woohoo! I’ve been reviewed!
Strange thing this internet world. While I would normally be the person doing the reviewing (see my kit reviews section), a website has decided to review me! Not me personally, but my website. I came across the review via Google Alerts. The review is by What’s Good on the Net and reviews websites, products, freebies etc.
They have been kind about my work and decided I’m some kind of fitness fanatic (no idea why they think that!). They did wonder what a Munro bagger is: For all those who don’t know, the Munros are the 283 mountains in Scotland with a summit over 3000ft. Munro bagging is the pursuit of walking/running/hiking/climbing to the top of each Munro. Many people aim to walk a full round of Munros. I.e. summitting each of the 283 Munros. A few more dedicated Munroists have completed many rounds, including Steve Fallon who has just finished his 14th round! I’ve only walked/run about 70 so far!
Anyway, thanks for the review guys. It made me smile on a busy Monday. (Is it OK to count the juggling of childcare, work and serving lunch to my brother and sister as a fitness workout? It has certainly left me feeling a little tired!