I will be talking about blogging this week
This week I’m off to tell other writers – and photographers – about blogging. It seems I am knowledgeable and well known enough to give a presentation on this topic! I was invited to a conference to give this talk and I am delighted, but I’m nervous. What if others at the Outdoors Writers and Photographers Guild know more than I do about blogging? What if no-one is really interested in what I have to say and they have just been polite in asking me? What if I actually know very little and I just happen to be good at blogging bullshit?
I am currently putting together a presentation and thinking long and hard about what I will say. I have conferred with my blogging buddy Ellen and read up a bit and trawled my memory for things I have learned – and it seems I do know quite a lot about blogging.
I hope what I know is relevant to the audience. I hope that they will find my tips on how to blog, blogging for business, blog sharing and blogging dos and don’ts useful.
I hope they won’t all go off and steal my work – but then again I hope they will take enough from what I say to enjoy blogging and all its wonderful benefits. I love blogging (for myself and for others) and I especially like blogging about the great outdoors!