Southside Six 36-minute sell-out
A Glasgow running event sold all 400 places in just 36 minutes this week. Even the organiser of the Southside Six, Nick Vaughan, was stunned. He said: “I predicted two hours for a sell-out because last year the record was three hours. But 36 minutes is amazing.”
While 400 people had smiles on their faces after securing their places in the November 2 event, runner Stephen MacIntyre wasn’t so lucky. He posted on Facebook: “There were 38 places available when I started my entry. By time I had finished there were none left. L”
The Southside Six has quickly become a must-run event on the Scottish race calendar. Now in its fourth year, the race sees participants running 26km through six Glasgow parks.
The Southside Six is operating a waiting list and they are also helping to organise another event earlier in the season, with partner charity Funding Neuro. The Strathclyde Country Park Funding Neuro 10k on May 17 can be entered here.