Fitness bootcamps are increasingly popular across the UK but perhaps you are wondering if they are for you? Are you looking for a new way to get fit or an extra element to fitness programme as you bid for a healthier life? If so, you might want to consider these five reasons to try a fitness boot camp.
Signed up and paid
You are more likely to go along to a fitness session if you have signed up to the group and paid for a set number of sessions. You won’t want to have wasted your money by not turning up – and the fact you have booked a fitness class makes you more accountable.
Team bonding
There is a sense of all being in it together at bootcamps. You work together to achieve exercise goals while also competing against other teams. The chances are you will meet and make new friends, too.
Good for motivation
Group workouts make most people try harder. If you see others working had you are far more likely to follow suit. Fitness bootcamps encourage everyone to cheer each other on, too.
Fresh air and fitness
Exercising outdoors is proven to be be good for your mental and physical health. You’ll get a boost of Vitamin D from the sunshine (even in winter this is possible) and being surrounded by the green and leafy park, where many bootcamps take place, is mentally up-lifting.
Fun fitness
Although a bootcamp will work you hard you will find that you enjoy the exercise. If you are having fun while you exercise you are far more likely to stick to the programme. Go along and give a fitness boot camp a try to see whether you enjoy it, not not. We bet you do!
Time saving
You’ll get far more exercise squeezed into a 465 to 60-minute session than you will going to the gym for an hour. Bootcamps are often fast and furious so you are saving time on your overall fitness programme.
What are you waiting for? Find a local fitness bootcamp and give it a try.