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My fit at 50

Loch Lochy Munros and a Corbett, Ben Tee

The Loch Lochy Munros, Sròn a’ Choire Ghairbh and Meall na Teanga, from Kilfinnan near […]

The best of Corbett bagging: Quinag trio in Assynt, Sutherland

Quinag, a triple Corbett mountain range in Assynt, Sutherland, had long been on my bucket […]

Bike and hike of 2 Gaick Corbetts

A long route to reach the summit of two steep-sided Corbetts, An Dun and Meall […]

The River Dart – overflowing with adventure

One of the UK’s most iconic water courses, the River Dart in Devon, springs from […]

My last Munro: Friends, adventures and Beinn na Lap

I wrote about my last Munro in The Scots Magazine. The focus was on a […]

My final Munro – Beinn Na Lap joy and tears

I could never imagine becoming a Munroist – that’s a person who has finished a […]

Big adventure: Munro, Corbett and a wild camp in the Cairngorms

A two-day Cairngroms adventure by public transport to reach a Munro and Corbett summit, with […]

Munro bagging: Walking memories on Maol Chean-dearg

It was some 12 years ago when Hubby G and I last walked Maol Chean-dearg. […]

Walking, talking and Corbett bagging: Meall a’Ghiubhais

Experience has taught me that when meeting a friend you have not seen for a […]

Coastal rowing: Competing in Golspie Regatta 2021

Having taken part in only two coastal rowing sessions at the very welcoming Avoch Community […]

First try: Coastal rowing on the Black Isle

Back in 2013 I wrote an article for Scotland Outdoors magazine (now no longer) about […]

My menopause: The Merina coil, oestrogel and an update on fitness

I haven’t written about my menopause for a while but there have been a few […]