Hammocks – instead of camping in a tent or sleeping in a bivvy bag – are totally on-trend for sleeping out under the stars . I was told this by the teenage son of a friend. Her Boy 2 is a Scout and apparently modern Scouts sleep in hammocks when they go away on camping trips.
It makes sense, I guess, to have your own sleeping pod, rather than sharing a large tent with lots of (probably smelly and snoring) teenagers. It’s easier than each person putting up their own tent, too. And there is something truly wonderful about sleeping in a bed that sways gently between two trees in the great outdoors.
I have also spotted more hammocks being used for micro adventures, which are easy, close-to-home overnight trips.
But I had not tried a hammock until I was sent the Amok Draumr hammock and tarp. (Buy in the UK at Wild Bounds.)
Amok Drumr 3.0 hammock
Amok is a Norwegian company and it’s obvious from the quality of the hammock that they know a thing or two about sleeping outdoors. Also see the 15% off link at the end of this blog.
The Amok Draumr 3.0 weighs just 1.34kg (without the tarp) and a fraction over 2kg (2053g) with the tarp and pegs. That’s really light. When backpacking or bikepacking, lightweight camping kit is essential.
The hammock will cope with anyone who weighs up to 150kg. It fits most people and has a foot bag that makes it comfortable for those as long as 190cm. (I am not sure if there is a minimum height.)
It’s a good idea to have a larger-style inflatable mattress to insert into the hammock once it’s up. This gives the hammock a good shape and sturdiness. You don’t need to spend a fortune on the mattress but choose one that is big and plump!
To use the hammock you need two trees, between 2.5 metres and a maximum of 6 metres.
Surprisingly, on the Island of Colonsay I found a few woodland areas that were suitable for the hammock. I say surprisingly because I was expecting there to be zero trees.
You also need a camping mattress, the sort that Therm-A-Rest sell.
Amok tell me: “Sleeping pads with tubular air chambers in the length direction gives the best comfort. Therm-a-rest has one model, and there are more models from other brands – see recommended pads here.”
The mattress then fits into the hammock to create the right shape and comfort for sleeping.
The hammock came with a tarp as part of the package and that is used as shelter over the hammock to protect you from wind and rain.
Also, the hammock has an insect net that zips over the person lying or sitting inside. I can’t be sure if it keeps out the midges as they have all but disappeared from Scotland for this year but it does look like the sort of fine net that keeps out midges in my normal tent.
Putting up the hammock
Remember, I am a complete newcomer to sleeping hammocks.
However, although the Amok Draumr 3 comes with instructions printed on a piece of card, of course, the G-Force and I tried to put it up without even glancing at them.
We quickly became unstuck because we tightened the straps around the tree too tightly. So we started again and this time followed the clear instructions!
You are meant to allow a 30-degree drop in the horizontal line of the straps.
Basically you find two trees. Attach the (obvious) tree straps from the hammock and around the tree. Adjust with easily adjustable straps and buckles to give a 30-degree angle for horizontal.
Also, make sure the hammock is no more than one metre off the ground. Then, push the inflated mattress into the mattress sleeve.
The hammock looks different from others I have seen. The sleeping position is at right angles to the line of the trees, instead of in line with the straps tied to the trees.
To climb in there is a suggested method. You sit down, as if on a toilet!, and into the hammock. Put your feet into the rounded foot area of the hammock, push your legs out straight and then lie back, making sure your head fits into the “head” area of the hammock.
It’s really easy, actually.
Once in, you can make internal adjustments to the shape and fit of the hammock using handy straps.
You also zip up the insect net over you and use elastic internal strings to adjust it to stay floating above your body.
There a some nice additions, such as pockets for stowing bits and pieces and a place to hang a wee overhead light.
Setting up the tarp
The tarp is affixed over the top of the hammock. So, while G enjoyed a kip in the hammock (yes, really!), I set about erecting the tarp on my own.
It’s fairly easy, although not as simple as putting up the hammock. Again the tarp is attached with straps around the two trees. You need to work out which straps but once you do it’s obvious.
Once these straps are adjusted, you simply stretch out the tarp using six guy lines and the provided metal pegs. G later pointed out that the pegs look to be of excellent quality.
In fact, the whole set up is made of good quality products. Everything looks robust, durable and fit for purpose.
The tarp stretches out above the hammock like the top side of a tent. It’s easy to get it to look smooth by simply tightening the guy lines.
I enjoyed having a lie down in the hammock as well. It feels surprisingly comfortable and it’s possible to roll over on your sides and sit up, while still being off the ground. It’s quite a nice place to sit for a few hours of peace reading a book, actually.
Being off the ground keeps out a lot of the cold that comes from sleeping outside at night. Added to that a sleeping bag would provide lots of cosiness. I think I’d choose a very cosy sleeping bag for hammock sleeping because that is all you have between you and the outside air.
Hammock sleeping is actually lot more comfortable than I had imagined.
My only concern is how a hammock and tarp, fixed with fairly thin guys and small pegs, would withstand the forces of a full-on Scottish storm. I doubt you would choose to be out in it during that kind of weather but you never know.
I think I would choose a sheltered place for a hammock night and make sure I wasn’t going to face strong winds.
Also, you do need trees – and with the right space between them – to sleep in a hammock. This might sound rather obvious but there are places that do not have lots of trees!
What I also like is the hammock and tarp stuff bags that stay attached to the hammock and tarp so you do not lose them.
The hammock and tarp easily fit back into the staff bags afterwards.
Boy 2 tests the Amock hammock
Just to check how easy it is to put up the hammock I asked 14-year-old Boy 2, also called Rowan, to give the hammock a go.
He referred to youtube videos to make sure he knew what to do. That was a good idea! These worked a treat and he told me: “It’s really quite easy to put up. I like the style of the hammock, too, because it sits at an angle to the two trees. It looks pretty cool.
“We used a big, inflatable mattress to give the hammock a strong shape and that meant it was really comfortable when I got into it. I think it’s the best hammock I have seen or tried.”
Top tips for fastenings
Where to buy
The Amok Druamr 3.0 hammock comes in four colourways. It costs a rather hefty €349 from Amok Equipment. I was told that people can keep an eye on UK outlets for the Norwegian product becoming available in the next year.
Buy in the UK at Wild Bounds. The full set is £249.
If you like your camping kit lightweight, innovative and high quality this would be a good investment although many people might hesitate at the price.
- This blog was written in association with the Outdoors Bloggers Network.