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6 safety tips for female travellers

Written by Fiona

February 14 2019

Whether you’re new to travelling, or you’re someone with lots of experience, staying safe when you’re on your adventures should always be at the forefront of your mind. If staying safe whilst you’re abroad is something that is worrying you – or your family – then read on for some straightforward tips and advice on how you can stay safe, but still have a good time and enjoy your time exploring the world.

Get travel insurance

Yes, it’s probably the dullest thing about your travels, but investing in good travel insurance will give you and your family peace of mind. For all the latest information and the best deals check out useful websites such as UHC Safe Trip.

Dress like a local

We would all like to think that women should be able to wear whatever they want without appraisal, but when you’re travelling through foreign countries with specific customs or more conservative views that is sometimes not so realistic.

When you’re travelling, one of your key goals is not only to have a good time, but to stay safe, so you should prioritise blending in over wearing something that makes you feel confident.

You should do a little research before you head off to decide what will be appropriate clothing in different regions and countries. For example, you might need to cover your hair, arms or bare legs with a scarf, loose top or a long skirt.

Once you know what the local customs are you can dress accordingly. Plus you’ll be able to relax more knowing that you don’t stick out like a sore thumb.

Solo travel can be hugely rewarding.

Mind your alcohol

You’re having the time of your life and you want to let loose and live a little. That is totally understandable but getting blind drunk can lead you into all kinds of trouble.

You should apply the same sensible rules that you would at any bar or pub at home.

Keep details to yourself

You don’t need to be suspicious of everyone you meet, but there’s nothing wrong with a little self-preservation. So, try not to let slip where you’re staying to anyone.

If you’ve just met someone, there really is no need to give them the name of your hotel or hostel. If you arrange to meet at a later time, then meet at a local landmark or a point of interest rather than outside where you’re staying.

You wouldn’t tell a stranger in the pub at home where you live, would you?

Travel happy by thinking about safety.

Avoid being “forward”

This is a tricky one, seeing as you’re travelling and want to meet new people. But keep in mind that in some cultures, women who are seemingly outgoing can be viewed as being “forward”.

From wearing tight clothes to making eye contact as you walk down the street or chatting animatedly for too long in a simple conversation, it’s worth airing on the side of caution.

Be friendly but rein it in.

Take a doorstop with you

Again, this is a sensible approach to self-preservation here. Taking a little plastic doorstop with you to push under your flimsy hotel or hostel door will stop people from getting into your room uninvited.

Overall, commonsense should prevail when travelling as a female, especially if you go solo.

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