There is so much happening all around us and so many things we have to get done and tick off our to-do lists, just to get through the day that although the idea of living a meaningful life and having an impact might sound great, it can feel impossible to actually do.
The good news is there are small things you can do that will make that impact and make your life have meaning, no matter how busy you might be. In fact, you might even realise just how important it is to slow down and make some changes in your own life while you’re helping to change other people’s lives for the better – read on to find out more.
Live In the present
If you want to have a meaningful impact in life, the best plan is to be more mindful and live in the present, rather than stressing about things that have happened in the past or that might happen in the future. All that’s going to do is rob you of your joy right now, and that’s going to affect not just you but the people around you and in relationships with you as well.
When you live in the present, you can pay attention to what’s happening around you and make choices that can improve that situation. At the very least, you can be less stressed, and that’s always good for your physical and mental health.
Get out of your comfort zone
It’s nice being in your comfort zone – it’s called that for a reason, and the reason is that it’s a comfortable place to be. You don’t have to push yourself or try too hard; you can just coast along.
That sounds fantastic, but is it?
Could it be that by living in your comfort zone, you’re actually missing out on some things that could give your life more meaning and have a much bigger impact?
If you try to get out of your comfort zone once in a while – you don’t have to do it all the time – then you might find that life gets better, and at the very least, you’ll have had some experiences to draw on when you need to. Plus, getting out of your comfort zone could be a way to help others, such as if you did the Tough Mudder run for charity, so there are lots of benefits to giving it a try.
Keep learning
Some people feel that they have learned all they need to know by the time they leave school or college, and they stop looking for new things to understand. While that might feel like the right thing for them to do, the fact is that the more you learn, the more meaning you can give your life, whether that’s because you’re able to get a better job that you enjoy, you can have deep conversations with people, or just feel more confident in all kinds of situations.
Learning can be done in whatever way you want, from a formal class with a qualification at the end of it to reading a book or watching a video, so as long as the learning doesn’t stop, you can do it any way that works for you and make a meaningful impact on your life.
Author bio: Freelance writer Delicia Warren is passionate about the environment and the impact humans are having on the world around us. After starting her career in the sustainability field, after taking a period of time to raise her two children, Delicia now dedicates her spare time to writing about how people can make a difference, one step at a time.