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Written by Fiona January 15 2009
It’s amazing what you can learn in a day. Even if you sometimes feel as though your brain is over-the-hill. Thanks to Simon Willis (he of former BBC reporter fame) I am now capable of shooting video for publication on the internet.
There is a lot more to it than you’d ever imagine but Simon made it seem quite simple. This example video was my first effort and obviously, being fionaoutdoors, I will now want to take my camera outdoors. But it does go to show how it’s possible for a total beginner to film, cut, edit, overlay and produce a reasonably good looking video.
Now all I need to do is go out and spend a lot of money on shiny new technical kit such as proper pro camera, a tripod, a furry mic, a radio mic, a lighting thingy etc etc… and then pratise a lot!
Simon offers all kinds of video training for all kinds of people. He even came to my house to teach me. (And he’s very patient if technology is not your thing. It isn’t mine!) See Sunart Media
My first video:

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