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Yo Go, Go, Go

Written by Fiona March 09 2009

Somehow I have never quite got around to practising yoga outside of the fab classes with JoYo. I often think about it but never quite find the momentum to throw out the yoga mat and get on with a practice. But on Saturday, following a 2hr 40m min cycle outing with the big boys and (one) girl from the Tri Club I found I had a sudden desire to chill out with an hour of yoga. I had the house to myself for half the practice as Mr Outdoors was out doing his weekly one-on-one yoga sesh with (none other than) JoYo and Lttle Miss Outdors was playing wth JoYo’s daughter (or should that be Little Miss Yo?).

I decided I’d do the yoga session to some loud classical music and tried as best I could to proceed through as much of Primary A series as I could remember. I’m sure I missed quite a few poses (and I defintely overlooked the leg sticking out section and the frog jump thingy) but in all I managed 55 mins of fairly smooth flowing postures, including a sun salutation between every pose. By the end I was most defintiely chilled but mainly because I was completely knackered. When I lay down for a spot of relaxtion at the end of the session I thought about simply curling up on the TV room floor and having a nap! Ashtanga style yoga is definitely a fab workout.

I do wonder whether I’ll ever be much good at yoga though. I can manage most of the poses but only to an approximate extent due to inflexible hips (in particular my right hip is affected by a big lump of scar tissue following a bad snowboarding fall some years ago). JoYo assures me things will get easier over time but then I see new comers in the class who can do all the poses straight off because they have more flexible hips. My only strength is my upper body which means I manage to keep going when others are starting to feel weak (and I can do a headstand while most others struggle to do so).

Still, I’ll keep at it as I hate to give up on much. Also, since I’ve been attending regular weekly sessions I’ve not had a single injury from running. This is very unsual. It could be a coincidence but I don’t think that’s the case. And, I guess, with so much still to achieve even in the Primary A series yoga will always present a challenge to me. And if there’s one thing do love, it’s a challenge!

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