And a big thank-you to my sis-in-law
Janie is my sister-in-law. The wife of my only brother and the mother of my only nephlet. I’ve known and been friends with Janie for many years. But until recently I had no idea of her hidden talent! Until recently I also had no idea that she read my blog!
Then a couple of days ago she texted to say I had made a spelling error in that day’s blog. Tonight she called to tell me I’d made a numerical error in the LEJOG blog and she had spotted two other errors in a blog from earlier in the week.
Janie had been worried that I would be mad with her for pointing out these mistakes – but on the contrary: I am utterly delighted to have a personal proof reader.
I do write the personal blogs too quickly and they are something of a guilty pleasure (I should be getting on with “proper” work instead of blogging about my own life and work!) and so I realise that mistakes will creep in. I hate to think of this happening but I really do not have enough time to thoroughly proof-read them (unlike my “proper” work, which is thoroughly proof-read.)
Now, though, thanks to Eagle Eyed Janie I know that someone else will be reading over my blogs. She says she’s happy to do this for free (well, actually I didn’t offer her any money!). She said she actually enjoyed reading my blog and finding out what I’d been up to. Aww, bless her! So, with EEJ now on board I do hope my blogs will be just that bit more accurate. If the odd mistake does still creep in I can only apologise. I do have to work to earn some money – but I do love writing the blog, too. I guess there has to be a compromise.
If you’re still with me, then thanks for overlooking the odd typo. I hope it hasn’t spoilt your enjoyment!