News from the outdoors world brought to me. At home. On my own. At my desk.
It used to be that I sat at my desk with only my little red contacts book for assistance. I then set up some outdoors related website RSS feeds and caught on to Google Alerts. This blog also began to attract increasing numbers of outdoorsy followers and thanks to Facebook and Twitter my circle of outdoors and fitness/health related connections has grown beyond belief.
I now receive regular updates on all kinds of outdoors, fitness and health topics and trends. I am pointed towards great stories and alerted to all kinds of fascinating articles, blogs, ideas and tips. I could spend all day simply networking and reading interesting stuff but then I wouldn’t earn enough money to pay the mortgage.
This week has been particularly informative and fascinating. So I thought I’d share a few of the links, articles and things I’ve learned thanks to the wonderful world of cyber-networking.
My round-up of news and blogs in the outdoors world
* A tweet revealed a stroy of a Nepalese dad who is training his nine-year-old son to be the youngest person to summit Everest. This created a thread of interesting chat on the rights and wrongs of this plan. I can’t say I see this as the best idea that a parent could come up with but as one Tweeter pointed out, It will do a lot for Nepal.
Read the story about the nine year old’s bid
This also led me to the discover of various new outdoorsy blogs and websites including:
* The Outside Blog
* Adventure Travel Magazine’s fab blog
Which led to me reading about two Scottish-related outdoors stories:
* The other is a tale of epic adventure as a Glasgow man bids to be the first to summit the three highest peaks in Australasia in a single expedition.
* Another tweet from follower @walkandtravel revealed his Walk and Travel blog that focuses on great kit reviews. I was particularly fascinated by the blog about the Wemmi. Look and see for yourself!
* Over on Facebook, cyber pal Tom Amos asked for my opinion on his shiny new cycling blog. Tom is based down south and has been blogging about cycling in London and his favourite kit. I’m liking it Tom. See what you think:
A Short Introduction to Cycling
* A Google alert also revealed a report from SNH detailing the amount of extra money that is brought to Scotland’s economy thanks to our visitor-friendly landscape and wildlife. This is a topic I’ve been soap boxing about for years – and it’s always good to see one’s own opinion backed up by a proper survey. It’s claimed that £1.4bn is generated by nature based tourism, as well as an extra 39,000 jobs. A good news economy story is always welcomed.
* Meanwhile a Google Alert revealed this article about cycling trends. I enjoyed the Eco cycle and the Xtracycle sections in this article.
I might continue this blog as a regular series. Anyone want to RSS into it?!