Lesley Riddoch on the case for the Hub at Glentress
This is an excellent article by Lesley Riddoch, and published in The Scotsman. It comes after the two women, Emma and Tracy, who run the very popular Hub cafe and hire shop at Glentress mountain bike centre were told that they would have to move on… so that a multi-million pound cafe and visitor centre venture could take their place. I blogged about the subsequent fury.
As Lesley points out, the new venture and the tendering for managers etc has been done according to the Scottish tendering “system” but this doesn’t mean it is fair or just. Emma and Tracy, who have run the Hub very successfully for many years, will now be left without a business depsite the fact that they have made Glentress what it is today: a mountain biking Mecca to beat all others.
Check out The Hub in the Forest website if you want to find out more – and sign a petition to support The Hub staying at Glentress.