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Best weight loss programme for your metabolism type

Written by Fiona

May 26 2022

There are many different weight loss programmes and it can be hard to know which one is right for you. The key is to find a programme that suits your metabolism type. Join the NHS Digital Weight Management Programme today to start the process right away.

Do you know what “metabolism” is? It is the way that your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. The process is that the calories consumed are combined with oxygen, which leads to the release of the energy that your body needs to function.

If you can work out what your metabolic type is, you can personalise your diet (and potentially include vitamins for weight loss and metabolism) and exercise plan to use your metabolism to your best advantage.

One of the bests way to find out what type of metabolism you have is to speak to a nutritionist. If you have diabetes or any other health issue you need to consult your GP first because you might need a special diet plan. Another key figure in your programme could be a personal trainer. They will be able to help you find the right weight loss programme for your needs.

3 simple steps: Best weight loss programme for your metabolism type

When it comes to weight loss, what works for one person may not work for another. That’s why it’s important to find a weight loss programme that is tailored specifically for your metabolism type. 

Here are three simple steps to finding the best weight loss programme for your metabolism type: 

1. Determine your metabolism type: There are three main types of metabolism – slow, fast and medium and these are usually determined by your body type: ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph. Most people fall into two of the three categories rather than being firmly in one category.

Ectomorphs: Ectomorphs are typically slender with small joints and a light build. They have a narrow frame and they are not muscular. They usually have a fast metabolism, which means they can eat and sometimes overeat without putting on much weight.

Mesomorphs: The characteristics are an athletic, medium-build frame with broad shoulders. They can gain muscle easily. They also gain fat easily, too, so they need to be careful not to overeat.

Endomorphs: They have a larger bone structure and more overall body fat. Endomorphs generally have thicker arms and legs with a round body. It can be harder for an endomorph to lose weight.

2. Find the right weight loss programme. You need a plan designed for your specific metabolism type. Once you know your metabolism type, you can start looking for a weight loss program that is designed specifically for that type. 

3. Make sure the programme is sustainable. A weight loss programme is not worth your time and effort if it’s not something you can stick with long-term. Make sure the programme is realistic and sustainable before committing to it.

How long to see results?

The answer to this question will vary, as the amount of time it takes to see results from a weight loss programme depends on a number of factors, the most important of which is your metabolism type. 

However, in general, it is typically recommended that you give yourself at least 12 weeks to see results from a weight loss programme. Three months will allow you to make any necessary adjustments to your diet and exercise routine based on your individual needs and see how your body responds.

A good idea is to install a healthcare app to keep track of your health coaching along the road.

5 signs you’re on the wrong weight loss programme for your metabolism

If you’re not seeing results from your weight loss programme, it may be because your metabolism isn’t compatible with the programme. Here are the signs that show your weight loss programme isn’t working:

1. You’re not losing weight
2. You’re not losing fat
3. You’re gaining weight
4. You’re feeling fatigued
5. Your cravings haven’t changed

If you notice any of these signs, adjust and change your weight loss programme.

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