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Why HRT can be a benefit to sporty women (in my experience)

Written by Fiona

February 09 2018

I have written a poem that reveals the many symptoms – some obvious and some not so – of the menopause. As many women hit their late 40s and early 50s, a fluctuation and slow reduction in hormones, including oestrogen and progesterone cause all kinds of frustrations and annoyances.

If you are keen on sport and exercise this can be a pain, in the least, and, at the worst, a barrier to fitness. I have been taking HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy) tablets for about a year and found it to be greatly beneficial. Other people turn to HGH injections.

The HRT has helped with:

Poor sleep patterns: Which make me tired during the day and less likely to be motivated to exercise.

Sore joints: This has affected my desire and ability to enjoy sports, such as running and circuits classes.

Muscle cramps: At one point the cramps in my feet and calves were so bad that if I subconsciously stretched out at night in my sleep I would be woken by a terrible pain. Sometimes this caused torn muscles.

Hot sweats: The sweats can be annoying and uncomfortable but when you are trying to enjoy sports, especially in a warm country, they can be unbearable.

Blinding migraines: I would be so badly affected by migraines I would have to go to bed for hours. This caused lost work – I am a freelancer ­­– and this would then affect my ability to exercise because I would need to catch up my work when I might normally attend a spots session.

General fatigue: This is a fatigue that comes on suddenly and last for days. It left me lacking in energy and without any will to go out and enjoy exercise.

Depression: Without exercise and feeling like I was becoming very unfit I ended up feeling low and depressed. A reduction confidence can really affect how you perform, even when training.

Weak bladder: Trying to run, jump or even just going for a walk can be difficult if you suffer with incontinence, which is another side effect of the menopause.

While there are side effects to taking HRT I looked at what I might gain from taking the hormone therapy compared to what I might lose in terms of the hobbies that I most enjoy. I am convinced it has been the right choice for me.

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